Sunday, May 30, 2010

Over temparature issues In datacenter may lead to hardware issues

One filer generated a Priority 1 stating that cluster takeover complete error . It got shutdown due to the Over temp error . The other which took over the partner was also running in a critical temp condition and might shutdown at any point of time . The same was communicated and engineer halted both the filers . Later some time one more created the same issue. That is the point we jumped in strictly and told that instead of waiting for the filers to reach the over temp condition and then shutdown it is better to gracefully halt the filers.

Note: While an overtemperature shutdown is considered graceful, there are hardware issues that can occur. The longer that the filers are running at these temperatures, the higher the temperature can get in the datacenter which will make it take longer to cool the environment down to the point where we can restart the filers. If it is feasible, our recommendation is to gracefully halt the filers before they reach the critical overtemperature point.

The issue was due to the Cooling problems in the datacenter.